How To: A Cord of Three Strands Ceremony

a cord of three strands ceremony

P.S. Stick around for a free ceremony script example to share with your pastor, officiant, and future spouse at the end of this blog.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 New International Version (NIV)

How Does A Cord of Three Strands Translate to Your Marriage?

In simple terms…

One strand represents the bride, one represents the groom, and the other represents God. These three strands are then intertwined into a braid that is not easily unraveled or broken.

A braided cord is much stronger and more difficult to break than the three individual cords would be on their own. This analogy isn’t just true of marriages; but can really apply to any close relationship. Your relationship will be stronger with God than without Him.

In any relationship, but particularly in marriage, that’s easier said than done, especially as your marriage grows and evolves over time. Click below for more on that!

How To Do It + What You’ll Need

What You’ll Need

  • Three cords or ropes in different colors. Each one symbolizes a key part of the marriage: the bride, the groom, and God.
  • Something to bind the strands together, like a ring or a decorative tie, representing your unbreakable bond.

How to Do it: Step-by-Step

Introduce the Strands

As the A Cord of Three Strands ceremony unfolds, typical after you say your vows, your officiant explains the meaning behind each cord.

  • Gold for God’s Divinity
  • White for the Bride’s Life
  • Red for the Groom’s Life

Braid the Strands Together

You and your partner braid these strands together during the ceremony. This act isn’t just about creating a pretty braid but symbolizing your lives intertwining with God as your guide and support.

Tie it Up

Secure the braided cord with a ring or a knot. It’s a visual pledge of your connection and mutual support, bound together by your faith.

End with a Prayer

Finish with a blessing or prayer from the officiant, asking for God’s support in your new life together.

A Cord of Three Strands ceremony is a commitment in front of your friends, family, and God, showing that you’re stronger together with Him in your lives. It’s a moment that will resonate with everyone at your wedding, reminding them (and you) of the powerful blend of love and faith.

Adding A Cord of Three Strands to your wedding isn’t just about doing something unique; it’s about starting your marriage on a foundation of shared strength and divine love. It’s authentic, meaningful, and yes, it’s absolutely beautiful. So, why not give it a place in your big day and show everyone the strength of your threefold bond?

Here’s to making your wedding truly your own, filled with moments that are as meaningful as they are memorable!

Free A Cord of Three Strands Ceremony Script

Download the Fully Editable, Free Script

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