9 Essential Tips for a Christian Engagement Season

christian couple talking

Your engagement is a thrilling time filled with anticipation and joy as you prepare to unite not only with each other but also in faith. It’s so easy to get swept up in all the details and stress of wedding planning that you might lose sight of what truly matters—your future together as a couple guided by faith.

Keeping God at the center of your engagement period can help lay a strong foundation for your upcoming marriage. Here are nine essential tips to ensure that your engagement remains focused on faith and preparation for your lifelong commitment.

1. Worship Together

Make prayer a cornerstone of your relationship. Set aside dedicated time to pray together, sharing your hopes, concerns, and gratitude. This can strengthen your bond and keep your focus on God’s plan for your life together.

2. Pre-Marital Counseling

christian pre marital counseling

Engage in pre-marital counseling with someone who shares your faith perspective. This will help address any concerns and equip you with tools to build a resilient, God-honoring marriage.

3. Couples’ Bible Study

Choose a book of the Bible or a Bible study guide to work through together. Discussing scripture can deepen your understanding of faith and how it applies to your relationship and future marriage.

4. Set Spiritual Goals

christian couples journaling and setting goals

Discuss your spiritual goals and how you can support each other in achieving them. Whether it’s growing in a particular fruit of the Spirit or undertaking a ministry project together, having shared goals can enhance your spiritual connection.

5. Serve Together

Find opportunities to serve in your church or local community together. Serving others can foster humility and teamwork, qualities essential for a strong, service-oriented marriage.

6. Pray Together Regularly

Make it a priority to worship together regularly. If you belong to different churches, try alternating where you attend services or find a new church that suits both of you as a couple.

7. Incorporate Your Faith into Your Wedding Planning

Build relationships with other Christian couples whose marriages you admire. Their wisdom and insights can provide guidance and encouragement as you navigate your own relationship.

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8. Seek Guidance from Other Christian Couples

As you plan your wedding, look for ways to reflect your faith in the ceremony and celebrations. From your vows to the music and readings, each element can be an expression of your commitment to God and each other.

9. Keep God in Your Everyday Discussions

Make it a habit to include God in your everyday life and decisions. Discuss how your faith influences your daily choices and challenges, keeping spiritual dialogue an integral part of your relationship.

By integrating these nine tips into your engagement, you’ll not only prepare for a beautiful wedding day but also for a successful, God-centered marriage. Remember, this special time is not just about planning for one day, but for a lifetime of serving and growing together in faith.


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