7 Healthy Christian Habits to Change Your Life

christian journaling

If you’re looking for ways to bring more meaning to your day-to-day, you’re in the right place. Here are seven Christian habits that are easy to adopt and might just transform your life. Let’s get into it!

1. Morning Moments in the Word

Daily couples devotional

Kick off your day with some spiritual sustenance. Instead of diving into emails or social feeds like so many of us do (myself so included) start your day with a scripture. This habit doesn’t require an hour of deep study; even a quick five minute read can change the projection of your entire day. Find a devotional that you love or a bible study to follow, and commit! (Easier said than done, I know).

Let the scripture you study be the lens through which you view your day.

2. Conversations with Jesus

Think of prayer as your direct line to God—always open and no need for pleasantries, no need for prep. Whether you’re asking for guidance, giving thanks, or sharing your frustrations, keep the communication open. You can pray while you drive, as you cook, during a walk, or during work.

Remember, it’s about the connection, not the ceremony.

3. Real Pen to Real Paper

christian journaling

Journaling is a great way to track your spiritual growth and remember God’s answers to your prayers. As someone who doesn’t love journaling, that was a big help when it came to actually starting a journal.

It can be as simple as noting a daily blessing or as deep as reflecting on a scripture that struck you. Over time, these pages will become a personal memoir of your faith journey—a testament to how far you’ve come and where God has guided you.

4. Take a Tech Break

Our lives are so cluttered with digital distractions. Try fasting from a particular technology or social media to reclaim your time. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing! Start small with fasting from one app for one day and see where that takes you.

Use these moments for reflection, prayer, or scripture reading. This practice helps prioritize your spiritual growth by reducing noise and focusing on what truly nourishes your soul.

5. Actively Serve

Service is the hands and feet of faith in action. Look for opportunities to serve within your church or local community. This can be anything from a huge volunteering event to being kind to your co-worker.

Whether it’s helping at a food bank, mentoring youth, or simply helping a neighbor in need, each act of service strengthens your faith and extends God’s love to others. Plus, you might make some really great friends along the way.

6. Community Connection

Get involved! Joining a church group or Bible study is great, but this isn’t the only way to get connected within your community. Keep your eyes out on Facebook and see what kind of local groups already exist. A lot of communities will have groups created specifically for meeting new people (use caution, of course). Don’t see any you like? Start your own!

7. Everyday Worship

christian couple worship music

My all-time favorite healthy christian habit is blasting worship music as soon as I wake up.

Worship is so not confined to church walls or Sunday services! Find joy in worship throughout your week by incorporating it into everyday activities. Sing hymns in the car, pray quietly while walking in nature, or meditate on God’s goodness as you wind down in the evening. Let worship infuse your ordinary moments with divine presence.

Getting married soon or looking for a couples devotional? Check out these & Daily Christian Devotionals for the Week of Your Wedding.

Talk soon!

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